When I first visited Tiljala SHED in 2002, I was appalled by the dire poverty of the neighborhoods in which TSHED was working. In fact, I could not hold back my tears when watching the children in their cement block school, dressed in their raggedy best, smile for us and dance for us. The experience haunted me personally for despite their impoverished situation, the children lived with hope because of Tiljala SHED. Certainly, without the help of this organization, the children would not even be exposed to an education in the first place!
This amazing NGO has changed the lives of more people than one can imagine and they never flag in their efforts to help the poor, the displaced, the illiterate and the forgotten people; the ones society would rather turn their heads from and not think of. Without discriminating on the basis of religion, national origin or ethnicity, Tiljala Shed has made a huge difference, a life-saving difference.
I am in awe of what they have accomplished and I shall continue to support them in their efforts – it is my human duty to do so. Please join us in their quest to alleviate poverty for the poorest of the poor!