Kamruddin,78, staying beside the sewage in Narkeldanga is an old and sick man. He has 3 members in his family. His son is an alcoholic and spend all his earnings in alcohol and doesn’t take care of the family. Kamruddin’s daughter Chandni does all the household work and also takes care of her father. Kamruddin’s wife passed away during Covid.
Chandni does some odd jobs at the marriage parties where she goes for washing dishes and earns about Rs. 150 (US$ 1.9) to Rs. 200 (US$ 2.5) per day. She does not get the work on a daily basis.The family is dependent on the low-quality rice which they get from the government at subsidized rate. They get one time meal in the afternoon from a local organisation except on Sundays.
One of the lady neighbours, living next door also helps them with some food and money but she is also from a poor family and cannot help much. Tiljala SHED has decided to continue helping this family for a long period of time so that they don’t have to sleep empty stomach. Tiljala SHED staff members ensured the family is getting a regular ration and their health conditions are also being monitored and we are also providing all the medical support as per the requirements. It was because of this project that families like them have received tremendous support for their survival. This project addresses to combat hunger and support beneficiaries with emergency medicines. This project has been a pillar of support for these families who would otherwise would have died of starvation.
Noorjahan, 60, also stays beside the Narkeldanga Sewage and has 9 members in her family. She lives practically on the footpath in a very small temporary makeshift room.She had a heart stroke a few months ago and doesn’t keep well and thus cannot do any heavy work.Her daughter Farjana, 40 years, washes dishes at marriage parties and earns Rs.200 (US$2.5) daily. She is the only earning member who is taking care of the whole family. Her husband passed away and she remarried after his death.
Her son Salauddin, used to ride horse carriage and was alcoholic. Now he has skin problem and hands are bent and thus cannot do any work which has put an additional financial burden to the family. Her granddaughter, Sakila’s husband passed away more than a year ago and now Sakila begs on the streets for meeting the needs of her family.
This is a very needy family and deserves all possible help to be given. The family has been enlisted as top priority in the Tiljala SHED “Emergency Food and medicine” list and they have been receiving regular monthly ration support from the organisation which has improved their condition. Now the family does not have to worry about food/rations.
Along with this program, Tiljala SHED team members are also working on linking the family with other livelihood programs to enable them to have an independent income and run the family.
We thank all the donors supporting this project which is helping beneficiries like them and your continued support will ensure no starvation for these beneficiaries. Thank you very much. God Bless you all.